LSC Student Stories
Amarah Parks
studied Massage Therapy
The LSC massage therapy program has been the best educational decision of my life.
Amarah Parks has wanted to become a massage therapist since she was young. She was often asked to give family and friends a shoulder rub and help people with their pain and tension. “I discovered I was able to help people feel better in so many ways,” she said.
Parks, who is home schooled, will graduate this spring. She is enrolled in the PSEO (Postsecondary Enrollment Options) program that allows high school students to earn credits for both their high school diploma and their college degree. She had already completed her generals at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College before starting the Massage Therapy program.
Parks plans to open her own business with the help of the program’s business planning curriculum. “My ultimate goal is to run a home-based massage therapy business. I am willing to take the necessary steps to reach that point; I know I have to build my reputation and experience.”
She advises that if you want to become a certified massage therapist, Lake Superior College provides a complete hour-based program that is hands on, taught by well-qualified and experienced individuals, and includes many different aspects of massage therapy. The program operates a massage therapy community clinic with specializations including deep tissue and hot stone treatments and massage for pregnant women. “From day one, it was a hands-on experience. I applied newly learned techniques right from the start on fellow classmates.”
The hardest aspect of the program? “I was challenged with plenty of muscle anatomy to master, but with the equal hands-on application of these concepts, it’s really the best combination for mastery and understanding. The instructors are quick to help if you are struggling.”
Massage therapy is a growing field for certified professionals and is very rewarding to the therapist as well as the clients. ” You cannot truly succeed in the practice of massage therapy until you are in touch with yourself in mind and body. I have learned how one’s energy can positively affect those around them. More people value and need touch and massage. It is becoming more widely accepted, and people love it!”
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