Immediate Needs and Safety

  • Wade Gordon, Dean of Students, , , M131 – Main Campus
  • Sarah Lyons, Executive Diversity Officer/Deputy Title IX Coordinator– Students, , , M151 – Main Campus
  • Campus Security, ,
  • Duluth Police Department or St. Louis County Sheriff, 911 on cell phone or 9-911 from an internal LSC phone line

Counseling and Mental Health

Health Care

Legal Resources


Other Resources

Mother’s Rooms / Quiet Rooms

Lake Superior College supports the needs of women who are students, employees or visitors to our campus who are breastfeeding their babies by providing dedicated rooms to pump their breast milk in a quiet, comfortable, and private space.  The space may also be used for short term quiet / reflective time.

The Mother’s Rooms/Quiet Rooms on the Lake Superior College campus are available in the following locations:

  • M153 – Quiet Room
  • M132 – Student Life Department (M130).
  1. Students may check out an access badge from Student Life (M130).  After hours, please contact Security at to gain access.
  2. Employees should automatically have badge access to M153, if not, please contact Tara Doolittle in the Facilities Office, .
  3. Visitors to campus who need to use a Mother’s Rooms/Quiet Rooms should contact Security at to gain access.
  4. Campus map information is available.
  5. It is the responsibility of everyone using the Mother’s Rooms/Quiet Rooms to maintain a clean space that is ready for the next user.
  6. Please limit the use of the Mother’s rooms/Quiet Rooms to activities associated with expressing milk only.