Part 1: Authority

Lake Superior College (LSC) and the LSC Foundation may actively solicit and accept gifts and donations to further the mission of LSC pursuant to Minnesota Statute §136F.46 and §136F.81.

Part 2: Donations

All gifts donated to LSC are to be directed to the LSC Foundation. Donations include monetary gifts, publicly traded securities, closely held securities, life insurance, planned gifts, memorials, and donations of real property. It also includes equipment, supplies, in-kind donations, and volunteer hours.

The Accepting Donated Goods & Equipment form is required for all gifts of equipment, vehicles, supplies, in-kind donations, and volunteer hours.

Related Documents

  • Accepting Donated Goods & Equipment form
  • Minnesota Statute 136F.46, Non-Profit Foundation Payroll Deduction
  • Minnesota Statute 136F.81, Transfer of Gifts


As of April 2024, LSC will follow Minn State Board Policy 7.7, but created a separate procedure for receiving gifts and donations to the Foundation detailed in Procedure 7.7.1 Gift and Donations Acceptance. For Grants that require a written award or agreement, Procedure 7.7.2 Institutional Grants Management and Acceptance was created to detail that process.

Date implemented: July 1, 2024

Date Updated: September 8, 2014

Date Reviewed/Revised: April 2024

President’s Signature Date: May 1, 2024

Lake Superior College's President's Signature