Policy 6.12 - Signage and Visual Communications
Part 1: Purpose and Scope
This policy provides guidelines for posting temporary or permanent signage or visual communication devices at Lake Superior College (LSC) facilities and property and any identified LSC location. Postings must follow the College’s 1B.1 Policy and Procedure on Non-discrimination in Employment and Education Opportunity and align with LSC’s mission and values.
The purpose of this policy is to:
- provide clear identification of LSC facilities and sites;
- improve wayfinding, safety, and welfare;
- clarify how messages are approved and displayed;
- announce or promote student events and groups; and
- promote a unified and attractive sign appearance for all facilities.
Part 2: Definitions
Signs/Signage/Communications Device means any identification, description, illustration or device which is visible from any public place or is exposed to the public, and which directs attention to a product, message, service, place, person, entity, institution, event, business use, or cause.
Exposed to the public includes outward-facing windows, doors, walls, restrooms, classrooms, labs, workshops, common gathering spaces, parking lots, or any place not considered an employee’s office/desk/workspace. An open door or window that exposes the inside of an office or group area is not considered overtly exposed to the public. Specific questions about what is considered exposed to the public can be directed to the Marketing Department or Student Life.
Academic Spaces are physical or virtual spaces where students attend class. This can be a classroom, workshop, laboratory, virtual background, or other designated space for instruction by a faculty member. Student screens are considered an academic space when participating in virtual classes.
Student Spaces are physical or virtual spaces not claimed as academic space and are used to enhance a student’s experience. It is where students can gather for study, relaxation, socialization, or receive services. Typically, no formal instruction takes place in this space.
Expression Zone is a designated physical campus space for messages not tied to a group. This space is managed by Student Life in partnership with the Marketing Department.
Office/Employee WorkSpaces are physical or virtual spaces where paid staff perform their work or faculty perform their non-instruction work. This includes:
- A private office for a single employee.
- An enclosed office for multiple employees that may or may not be divided by cubicle-style walls.
- A corner or part of an academic space with a desk and computer workstation.
- A reception desk.
- The exterior of an office door.
A faculty member may conduct some non-instruction work in an academic space before or after a class, but this is not considered their primary office/workspace. Working from an off-site location such as a home or hotel room is not considered a workspace that is part of the campus.
Temporary signs, signage, or communication devices include but are not limited to any banners, flyers, stickers, posters or information that has limited duration or is produced on material that is generally considered disposable. These may originate from entities/individuals other than LSC.
Permanent signs or signage means any structure carrying lettering or a design that is intended to last a long time. These may include signage from entities other than LSC.
Part 3: College Signage Policy
Subpart A
All signage, temporary and permanent, that includes LSC logos or branding, must adhere to the LSC Style Guide and Logo Guide (found on the Marketing webpage of the employee portal) and must be approved by the Marketing Department, or for students, Student Life, prior to posting.
Subpart B
This policy prohibits any persons (college employee, student, member of the general public, or representative of a business or community organization) from erecting, attaching, altering, locating, or relocating any signage without first obtaining authorization from the Marketing Department or Student Life, except as covered by procedure 6.12.1. It also prohibits employing wordage, symbols, logos, or other visual devices on signage erected or located on or off campus for the purpose of associating an event, activity, or business with the College, without first obtaining authorization.
Subpart C
Space (a bulletin board or TV monitor for example) may be designated by the Marketing Department, under the direction of the President’s Cabinet, for the exclusive use of an LSC department, program, group, or other LSC entity.
Each designated space will be managed and organized by the leader of that LSC entity for posting duration and content germane to the specific LSC audience. These designated spaces must be clearly labeled to avoid being confused with other spaces. Such content must comply with graphic standards and the approval process for creation by the Marketing Department. If messages displayed in group-specific areas or offices are desired to be displayed outside of this area, they must follow the same approval process as any other general message.
Policy History
Date Implemented: February 2024
Date Reviewed/Revised: October 2023
History: The new LSC Policy 6.12 Signage and Visual Communications supersedes LSC Policy 2.5 Posting. A new LSC Procedure 6.12.1 Signage and Visual Communications was created.
President's Signature Date: February 8, 2024