Procedure 6.12.1 - Signage and Visual Communications
Part 1: Purpose
To provide guidelines and directions for requesting signage and/or receiving approval and appropriately posting information in any identified LSC location.
Part 2: Procedure
Subpart A: Designation of Spaces
The President’s Cabinet will designate campus areas where temporary and permanent communication displays will be established and who has the authority to approve and manage each area. Such areas will be clearly identified as space managed by either the Marketing Department, Student Life, or another department/group. All entities with designated space must adhere to Policy 6.12 and other referenced policies therein.
Subpart B: Temporary signage
- Academic spaces may display communications that support the authorized curriculum of the course or program. The Academic Dean and the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will partner with the instructor/department to apply the standards of Policy 6.12 and other referenced policies. This partnership will address issues of promoting outside organizations that support the program directly or indirectly as well as causes or issues germane to the courses of study. Current and past student projects or displays tied to the program are examples of communication devices that should also follow the intent of this policy. Classrooms or other spaces shared by more than one group should work together on signage or other communication devices so as not to interfere with the other group’s needs.
- Co-curricular spaces such as the Veteran’s Center, Erickson Library, TRIO Student Support Services, Transfer Center, Center for Equity and Inclusion, Tutoring and Learning Center, and other student service spaces must follow the intent of this policy (see guideline for academic spaces in Subpart B #1). If necessary, appropriate leaders of these areas will partner with supervisors and the President’s Cabinet to address permanent and temporary communication devices displayed.
- Personalization of employees’ office spaces should be done utilizing non-damaging materials and in a professional manner. The exterior of an employee’s office door is part of the office space. Permission from the Marketing Department is not needed for posting on the exterior of an employee’s office door. The employee’s supervisor will address any concerns regarding postings in or on employee workspaces with the employee.
- All communication devices, print or digital, other than classroom space and office personalization, must be approved through the Marketing Department for employees, or Student Life for students, and must be affixed to bulletin boards/strips in designated areas.
- All communication devices, print or digital, originating from a non-employee or non-student must be approved by either the Marketing Department (if intended audience is college employees or the visiting public) or Student Life (if intended audience is students).
- To request the creation of a communication device such as a sign for print or digital display, all employees’ requests must be submitted through the Marketing Department’s ticket system in the Employee Portal according to the timelines posted.
- Recognized Student Clubs creating their own communication devices must get approval to post from Student Life. See Part 4, Posting Student Club Activities.
- Individual students are not allowed to post flyers except for textbook sales in the appropriate area (bookstore bulletin board).
- Upon approval, the posting shall be identified in some written way indicating the communication device is approved. This will include a date and signature by the approver before it is placed in the appropriate designated posting areas. If it is a non-event posting, a removal date shall be included. The individual, department, group, or organization that created or is sponsoring the posting shall be identified.
- The method of installing or affixing postings must be included as part of the approval. In most cases, pinning a posting to a bulletin board or taping with painter’s tape are acceptable methods that will not damage the surface. Other desired methods shall be approved in partnership with the Facilities Department to prevent surface damage.
- Unless noted on the communication device as part of the approval process, all postings shall be removed by the requestor or the Marketing Department at the end of the semester, or within three days immediately following an event. It is the requestor’s responsibility to communicate timeline changes to the Marketing Department or Student Life.
- Any legal liability or damage resulting from the placement of the posting will be the sole responsibility of the person, organization, or group sponsoring the posted material.
- This policy shall in no way infringe upon the students’ freedoms as expressed in Policy 3.1 regarding Student Rights and Responsibilities, or Freedom of Speech. The “Expression Zone” is where messages outside of an academic or programmatic theme may be presented. A log or record of approved postings may be kept by the approving body to rotate messages fairly or otherwise record postings.
Subpart C: Permanent signage and display areas
- All permanent signage is approved through the President’s Cabinet as recommended by the Marketing Department.
- All permanent signage must adhere to the LSC Logo Guide and Style Guide (https://portal.lsc.edu/marketing/) whether located on or off campus.
- All permanent wayfinding signage for internal public walkways and external locations must comply with LSC policies concerning LSC branding and facilities guidelines concerning construction and installation.
Part 3: Posting Recognized Student Club Activities
Temporary signage for recognized student club activities or notifications for new student clubs must meet the following criteria for approval:
- It relates to the purpose or mission of the club.
- It promotes an officially sanctioned event or activity of the club.
- It encourages students to join the club.
- It promotes or reminds students of a club endorsement of an official campus initiative or an off-campus partnership (such as attending a campus-wide fair or get-out-the-vote with a government municipality).
Part 4: Exceptions to the Procedure
Affixing temporary signage is permitted for the following:
- Temporary signs affixed to/within classrooms or program areas to notify students of canceled classes or other academic/college-related information.
- Temporary signs affixed to/within a door, window, sign sleeve, bulletin boards/strips of/adjacent to employee offices, for posting schedules, office hours, and other instructions for colleagues or students.
- Signage for events to provide information and/or wayfinding. Structures used for temporary wayfinding such as stanchions or sandwich boards need to be properly used and shall not interfere with the safe passage of people. For example, these structures should be secured for wind (if outside) or if tipped over accidentally, will not injure people. Wayfinding signage must be removed as soon as possible after the event.
Related Documents
- System Procedure 1C.0.1 – Employee Code of Conduct
- System Procedure 1C.0.2 – Respectful Workplace
- LSC Civil Discourse Statement and Guiding Principles
This is a new procedure to the revised Policy 6.12; formerly Policy 2.5 which has been rescinded, replaced and renumbered to 6.12 Signage and Visual Communications.
Date of Implementation: February 8, 2024
President's Signature Date: February 8, 2024