Policy 5.19 - Travel Management

Part 1: General

This policy covers LSC employees and students traveling and driving on LSC business. Lake Superior College shall adhere to Minnesota State Policy 5.19 Travel Management, Minnesota State Procedure 5.19.3 Travel Management, and Minnesota State Guideline Driver’s License Record Check.

Part 2: Applicable to Employees and Students

Minnesota State Procedure 5.19.3 and Guideline apply to all employees of the colleges, universities, the system office; the Board of Trustees; and any other individuals, including students, authorized to travel or be reimbursed for allowable expenses in conducting authorized Minnesota State Colleges and Universities business.


Date Implemented: July 1, 2024

5.30 Vehicle Safety Policy: rescinded July 1, 2024

5.30.1 Vehicle Safety Procedure: rescinded July 1, 2024

LSC 5.30 and LSC 5.30.1 were more restrictive than the Board Policy 5.18 and System Procedure 5.19.3 on travel management and driver’s license checks and were managed by the LSC business office. Beginning July 1, 2024, with the implementation of Workday, it will not be possible for the business office to continue LSC Procedure 5.30.1. The process for driver’s license record checks will be moved to the Human Resources Office.

President's Signature Date: July 1, 2024

President's Signature

Related Policies/Procedures

Chapter 5: Administration

All Policies and Procedures