Procedure 5.11.1 - Tuition and Fees
Part 1: Authority
Authority is provided from MnSCU Board Policy 5.11 and MnSCU System Procedure 5.11.1.
Part 2: General
All tuition and fee rate structures are authorized by the Minnesota State Board of Trustees. Tuition and fees collected shall be deposited and reported through the Business Office at Lake Superior College (LSC). Discretion is given to the college President to establish certain rates in accordance with Minnesota State Board policy and System procedure. LSC shall maintain and appropriately disseminate policies that define the terms under which students are not charged specific fees covered by this policy.
Part 3: Tuition
LSC shall charge tuition consistent with Minnesota Statutes and policies:
- The tuition categories are per credit, differential course and program, and market driven. Any tuition category may include resident and nonresident rates.
- All tuition shall include the cost of consumable supplies used in the classroom or laboratory.
- Advance deposits are considered prepayment of tuition and are refundable in accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy 5.12.
- Fees paid by LSC to a private vendor for instructional services shall be included in the cost of tuition and not charged separately.
Subpart A: Per Credit Tuition. LSC may charge tuition on a per credit basis for undergraduate programs. Per credit tuition rates are approved for the campus by the Minnesota State Board as part of the operating budget process.
Subpart B: Differential Course and Program Tuition. LSC may charge tuition by course or program when there is an extraordinary cost of offering the course or academic program (i.e., need for specialized equipment; required expensive supplies; accreditation standards; delivery methods; program expansion/enhancement). Setting tuition by course assigns a per credit price for all the core courses in an academic program. Setting tuition by program assigns a per credit price for all the core courses in an academic program. Differential course and program tuition rates are approved by the Minnesota State Board as part of the operating budget process.
Subpart C: Market Driven Tuition. LSC may set and charge market driven tuition for customized training, continuing education, non-resident/non-reciprocity, non-credit instruction, and contract post-secondary enrollment options.
Part 4: Mandatory Fees
Mandatory fees are in Statute or policy and are required to be charged at all Minnesota State colleges and universities. All mandatory fees must be at or below Board specified maximums (see Part 7, Minnesota State Guidelines).
Subpart A: Senior Citizen Fee in Lieu of Tuition. LSC shall charge an administrative fee in lieu of tuition to senior citizens pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §135A.51 and Minnesota Statutes §135A.52. (See Guideline 5.11.3.)
Subpart B: Access (Parking) Fees
- LSC shall charge access fees to generate revenue for parking lot construction, improvements and maintenance, and parking enforcement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §136F.67.
- The President shall determine the fees. Students shall pay an amount that is equal to or less than that paid by the college’s employees for the same type of access.
- LSC shall collect fines and towing fees for parking violations pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §136F.53.
Subpart C: Statewide Student Association Fees. LSC shall collect statewide student association fees as authorized by Minnesota Statutes §136F.22 and in accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy 3.7.
Subpart D: Late Fees
- LSC charges a fee for late payment of tuition and/or fees.
- Late fees are assessed on the 25th business day and at the end of each semester.
- Students with partial financial aid funding must make payment arrangements or be subject to the late fee.
- A late fee is charged for late payment under an approved payment plan.
- Only one late fee is assessed per student per semester.
- At least one late fee is assessed to any student sent to Department of Revenue for collections.
- Exemptions
- Students who are eligible and have applied for but not yet received veterans benefits are exempt from being charged a late fee, consistent with Minnesota Statute §197.775.
- Students who are current with payments on an internal or external payment plans are not charged a late fee when payment in full will be completed during the current semester.
- Students who are eligible for but have not received third party payments are exempt from a late fee unless such funding is subsequently withdrawn.
Subpart E: Payment Plan Fees
- Lake Superior College charges a fee for payment plans. This fee allows students to pay their tuition and fees over the course of the semester.
Part 5: Optional Fees
LSC optional fees are listed below. All optional fees must be at or below Minnesota State Board specified maximums (see Part 7). The President shall have final approval on all optional fees and subsequent rates.
After consultation with the recognized campus student association, the President may exempt specific groups of students from all or a percentage of any optional fees when deemed to be in the best interests of the college. Upon request, the specific group exemption and number of exempt students shall be published and disseminated to students, and the number of exempt students shall be reported to the campus student association.
Subpart A: Student Application Fee. LSC charges a fee for student applications consistent with Minnesota State Board Policy 3.4 and System Procedure 3.4.1.
1. Application fees are assessed to all credit-seeking applicants.
2. Students denied enrollment to the college due to program size limitations or closure shall receive a refund of this fee.Subpart B: Credit for Prior Learning Assessment Fee. LSC charges a fee for assessment of learning that is attained outside the sponsorship of legally authorized and accredited higher education institutions, leading to awarding of credit for a comparable competency in accordance with Minnesota State Board Policy 3.35 and System Procedure 3.35.1. (See LSC Policy 3.35 and Procedure 3.35.1.)
- A fee is charged for such services as: examinations, performance or product evaluation, reviews of experiential portfolios and nonacademic credentials, and entering the credits awarded into the transcript.
- The fees charged shall reasonably reflect the cost of service provided, such as personnel costs and related administrative costs, in assessing the learning and awarding credit.
- A fee is not charged for:
- credit evaluations for students seeking transfer of credits from other accredited higher education institutions,
- students seeking advanced standing without a credit award, or
- analysis and awarding of credit for training delivered by the United States military.
Subpart C: Student Life/Activity Fee. LSC shall charge a fee for student life activities as defined by Minnesota Statutes §136F.01, subd. 5 and Minnesota State Board Policy 2.8. Campus programming and budgeting processes for the use of these funds shall be governed by Minnesota State Board Policy 2.8.
Subpart D: Special Event Fee. LSC may charge students for certain special campus events. These events may, but are not required and are not limited to, include such activities as seminars, workshops, special orientations, enrichment events, concerts, convocations, and ceremonies such as graduation.
Subpart E: Technology Fee
- LSC shall charge a fee to students for the acquisition, upgrading, and/or maintenance of technology for academic and student support activities that provide or enhance student access to technology. Academic and student support activities include but are not limited to: technology infrastructure, computer labs, wireless networks, ongoing technology support, and software licensing.
- LSC shall establish a Technology Fee Advisory Committee.
- A majority of the committee members shall be students.
- The campus student association shall appoint the student member(s) of the Committee.
- Prior to making recommendations to the college President, the committee will present the recommendations to the campus student association for advice and recommendation.
- The campus student association and the college President or designee shall jointly determine a schedule for the Technology Fee Advisory Committee to ensure that the plan and budget for the technology fee will be completed for action prior to the end of the spring semester.
- The college shall provide the necessary background materials in advance to the Technology Fee Advisory Committee in accordance with System Procedure 2.3.1, Part 2, Subpart B.
- The College President shall review any modifications to the recommendation with the campus student association and the Technology Fee Advisory Committee prior to the implementation for that year.
Part 6: Personal Property Charges and Service Charges
Personal property charges and service charges are authorized by the Minnesota State Board and adopted at campus discretion. Personal property charges and service charges shall be approved by the College President or designee.
Subpart A: Conditions
- Personal property charges shall be for items that become the personal property of a student and have an educational or personal value beyond the classroom. Service charges shall be for services for or on the behalf of the student.
- Students may not be charged for consumable supplies, nor for system on-campus and off-campus facilities costs related to instruction.
- The approximate range or rate shall be available to students at the time of registration.
- A list of these charges shall be available to students upon request at the college.
- Charges are based on actual costs and can include but are not limited to charges for such items as listed in Subparts B and C below.
- Documentation of charge calculations must be maintained for audit purposes.
Subpart B: Personal Property Charges. Personal property is that property retained by the student and having value outside of the classroom. Personal property may include, but is not limited to: tools, books, materials and supplies retained by the student, official transcripts, identification cards, and replacement or additional diplomas.
Subpart C: Service Charges
Service charges shall include:
- Equipment, including special leases or rentals of laptop computers, as required by the college. Situations requiring students to purchase or lease college-wide technology shall be reviewed by the Technology Fee Advisory Committee and the campus student association shall be consulted.
- Special testing, including testing for counseling (e.g. career interest inventories, type indicators, etc.); occupational certification; retesting of entry level assessment; and optional testing requested by the student. Students shall not be charged for initial entry assessment or required outcome assessment.
- Other instructional services, such as:
- Additional instructional costs not included in tuition, but paid by the student to a private vendor (e.g. theater tickets, bowling lane rentals, green fees, ski lift tickets, etc.) may be a service charge if identified at the time of registration.
- Costs of private lessons associated with a credit-bearing course (e.g. flight training, voice or instrument, art, etc.) may be charged in addition to tuition.
- Other non-instructional services provided to students for their personal benefit, such as legal services, health services, and insurance.
- Assessments to discourage a behavior such as a library overdue charge, a non-sufficient funds bank charge or restitution charge to pay for damage incurred.
- Actual course-related travel costs required for transportation, room, board and other expense.
Part 7: Minnesota State Fee Guidelines
Mandatory Fees:
Senior Citizen in lieu of tution: Maximum of $20 per credit
Access (Parking): No maximum
Statewide Student Association: as determined by MSCSA
Payment Plan: Maximum of $30 per term
Late: Maximum of $50 per term
Optional Fees:
Application: $20 per undergraduate application
Credit for prior learning assessment: Reflects costs
Student life/activity: Maximum of $112.50 per term
Special event: No maximum
Technology: Maximum of $10 per credit
Personal Property Charges and Service Charges: Reflects cost
Date Implemented: February 27, 2014
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 5: Administration
- 5.2 - Email Accounts - RESCINDED - SUPERSEDED BY 4.11 - Employee Email Communication & Expectations
- 5.11 - Tuition and Fees
- 5.12 - Tuition and Fee Due Date, Refunds, Withdrawals and Waivers
- 5.12.0 - Tuition and Fee Due Date, Refunds, Withdrawals and Waivers
- 5.12.1 - Military Service & Disabled Veterans
- 5.12.2 - Tuition Waiver for Persons Under the Guardianship of the Commissioner of Human Services
- 5.12.3 - Common Framework of Key Payment Related Dates
- 5.12.4 - Refund of Tuition and Fees
- 5.12.5 - Payment Plans
- 5.12.20 - Return of Title IV Funds
- 5.12.21 - Petition to Policy
- 5.15 - Sustainable Purchasing
- 5.16 - Efficient Use of Water, Energy, and Other Resources
- 5.17 - Tobacco and Vape Free Campus
- 5.18 - Drug & Alcohol Free Campus
- 5.19 - Travel Management
- 5.20 - Special Expenses and Presidential Expense Allowance
- 5.21 - Possession or Carry of Firearms
- 5.22 - Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources
- 5.23 - Video Surveillance and Recording
- 5.24.1 - Employer Provided Personal Protective Equipment
- 5.27 - Campus Security Authorities
- 5.30 - Vehicle Safety - RESCINDED - SUPERSEDED BY 5.19 - Travel Management
- 5.30.1 - Vehicle Safety - RESCINDED - SUPERSEDED BY 5.19 - Travel Management