Policy 4.9 - Employee Evaluation

Minnesota State Policy

Part 1: Responsibility

It is the goal of Lake Superior College to create and maintain a working and learning environment that is positive, supportive and productive for all employees. To this end, it is the policy of the college that all employee performance evaluations are provided on an annual basis in a timely, supportive and respectful manner.

Part 2: Procedure

Subpart A: Staff Evaluation Procedure

  1. Evaluation Process. The Human Resource office will send an annual notice of non-faculty employee performance appraisal dates to each senior administrator and associated supervisors, in July of each year. Each administrator and supervisor is responsible for noting the dates and completing the appraisal in a timely manner. The due dates for the appraisal are listed on the spreadsheet and are stored in ISRS bargaining module and are tied to wage progression. Supervisors who anticipate disciplinary action, withholding the step for performance, or extending the probation due to performance need to notify the employee and the Human Resources PRIOR to the due date. Prior to meeting with the employee being evaluated, the supervisor shall review and revise as necessary the employee’s position description, create goals for the coming year and complete the appropriate performance appraisal document. The employee being evaluated shall complete a self-evaluation, review and recommend needed revisions to his/her position description and identify goals for the coming year. Following the performance evaluation meeting between the supervisor and employee, both parties shall sign the appropriate forms and the revised position description, if applicable. The employee being evaluated may provide written comments to address any concerns he/she may have regarding the evaluation. The materials shall be forwarded to Human Resources and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
  2. Reporting. Human Resources is responsible for providing ongoing and annual status reports of all staff performance appraisals with the goal of achieving 100% compliance.
    1. If the due date of performance appraisal is 30 days past due, the Human Resource office will send one reminder that is copied to the appropriate administrator.
    2. An annual report of completed and outstanding appraisals will be provided to the President upon request, but normally in the spring of each academic year.

Subpart B: Faculty Evaluation Procedure

The faculty performance evaluation process is established and approved by the Shared Governance council. The process includes student evaluations, classroom observations, professional development plans and faculty portfolios as well as face-to-face meetings between administrator and faculty to discuss expectations. The process runs a three-year cycle for unlimited faculty with at least one component completed in each year of the cycle and annually for part-time temporary and adjunct faculty members.

  1. Unlimited Faculty: The faculty member will receive, in a timely manner, written notices of when he/she will be evaluated, the name of the supervisor conducting the evaluation, the areas to be evaluated, the weight given to each area, the criteria that will comprise the basis for measuring the faculty member’s performance in each area, and who will judge the findings. The faculty member will receive written results of the evaluation, will be provided an opportunity to discuss the results with the evaluator and/or the evaluator’s supervisor, and will be afforded the opportunity to provide a written response. The evaluation will be completed once every three years, or more often as determined by the administration.
  2. Temporary Full-Time/Part-Time Faculty: Temporary faculty members will be evaluated annually using the same procedure as indicated for unlimited full-time faculty.
  3. Probationary Faculty: Probationary faculty members will be evaluated annually using the same procedure as indicated for unlimited full-time faculty. No later than the last day of the fall semester of the probationary year the faculty member will receive in writing the results of the evaluation process. If serious deficiencies are identified through the evaluation process, these deficiencies will be identified in the written evaluation. In this case, the written evaluation will be accompanied by a written statement that these deficiencies raise questions of continued employment. The probationary faculty member will have until the 35th day of spring semester to correct the identified deficiencies and to show improved performance.
  4. Adjunct Faculty: After teaching two consecutive terms, adjunct faculty will be evaluated in the same manner as part-time faculty.
  5. Counselors and Librarians: The supervisor will evaluate library faculty using student and staff questionnaires, conferences, observations, examination of materials, and a self-evaluation. An annual meeting to set goals and a meeting to see if the goals were accomplished will be held. Counselors will be evaluated by their supervisor on an annual basis alternating the use of student evaluations, peer evaluations and supervisory evaluations.


Date Implemented: February 5, 2004

Date Updated: October 6, 2005