Procedure 4.9.2 - Faculty Evaluations
Part 1: Procedure
The faculty evaluation process is established and approved by the Shared Governance Council and is explained in greater detail in the Faculty Evaluation Manual. The faculty evaluation process will not restrict academic rights defined in the Minnesota State College Faculty Master Agreement between the Minnesota State Board of Trustees and Minnesota State College Faculty (MSCF).
The common components of the evaluation process include a self-reflection, which includes a professional development plan; student course evaluations; an evaluation metric, which includes a classroom observation for teaching faculty; and a follow-up meeting between the administrator and faculty to clearly inform the faculty member of the assessment of job performance which has been determined by the evaluation process
Subpart A: Unlimited Faculty
The faculty member will receive, in a timely manner, notice of when they will be evaluated, the name of the administrator conducting the evaluation, the areas to be evaluated, and the criteria that will comprise the basis for reviewing the faculty member’s performance in each area. The faculty member will receive written results of the evaluation, will be provided an opportunity to discuss the results with the evaluating administrator, and will be afforded the opportunity to provide a written response. The evaluation will be completed once every three to five years, as determined by the administration in consultation with the faculty member being evaluated.
Subpart B: Probationary Faculty
The administrator will meet with the new faculty member in the first semester of hire to discuss performance expectations. Probationary faculty are evaluated annually during the probation period.
The final probationary period meeting should be held no less than 60 days before the end of the probationary period. Following the final meeting of the probationary period, the administrator will recommend to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs either an unlimited appointment or non-renewal of the appointment. Notification to the faculty member will adhere to MSCF contract requirements. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs will meet with the probationary faculty member before a final decision is made.
Subpart C: Temporary Full-Time/Part-Time Faculty
Temporary full-time/part-time faculty will be evaluated by the second semester of their appointment. They will then follow the schedule as outlined for full-time unlimited faculty.
Subpart D: Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct faculty will be evaluated in their third semester of teaching. Additional evaluations will be conducted as deemed necessary by the administrator.
Subpart E: Adjunct Clinical Faculty
Allied Health adjunct and part-time temporary clinical faculty will be evaluated using student evaluations; on-site observations will be conducted as deemed necessary by the administrator.
Nursing adjunct and part-time temporary clinical faculty will be evaluated with on-site observations within the second term of clinical teaching.
Subpart F: Librarians and Faculty with other assignments
The timeline/procedure for counselors, librarians, and faculty with other assignments will be done in the same way as for other faculty members. The administrator will use annual goals and objectives as specified in the MSCF contract, Article 11, Sections 4, 5, and 6 as the basis for providing annual feedback.
Related Documents
- LSC Policy 4.9 Employee Evaluation
- Minnesota State Board Policy 4.9 Employee Evaluation
- State of Minnesota Administrative Procedure 20 – Job Clarification Performance Appraisal
- Minnesota State Statute 43A.20
Original LSC policy 4.9 had procedures for staff and faculty evaluations included in the policy. Two new LSC procedures, 4.9.1 for staff and 4.9.2 for faculty were created in 2023.
President's Signature Date: December 5, 2024