Procedure 4.9.1 - Employee Evaluations
Part 1: Procedure
Subpart A: Staff Evaluation Procedure
- Required: All positions requiring a probationary period upon hire must be given a midpoint probation review and an end-of-probation period review. Each administrator and supervisor is responsible for completing evaluations in a timely manner.
- Performance Issues: Supervisors who anticipate disciplinary action, withholding the step for performance, or extending the probation due to performance, need to notify Human Resources at least two weeks before the end of the probation period.
- Annual Evaluation Meetings with Employees: As part of the annual employee evaluation process, the supervisor and the employee being evaluated, shall review and revise as necessary the employee’s position description, create goals for the coming year, and complete the appropriate performance evaluation documents.
- Following the performance evaluation: Both parties shall sign the appropriate forms and the revised position description, if applicable. The employee being evaluated may provide written comments to address any concerns they may have regarding the evaluation.
- After the employee evaluation has been completed and signed by both parties, the evaluation will go to the supervisor of the supervisor (usually a vice president or the president) for final review and signature as verification that the organization is aware of and accepts the evaluation as written.
- Once all signatures have been placed on the evaluation forms, the fully completed evaluation is returned to the employee's supervisor so they may provide a copy to the employee and forward the original signed forms and materials to the Human Resources Office to be placed in the employee's personnel file.
Part 2: Appeals
Pursuant to Minnesota Management and Budget Administrative Procedure No. 20, an employee may appeal their performance rating to the Appointing Authority within thirty (30) calendar days of the official date of their evaluation. The decision of the Appointing Authority is final. At the employee's request, a union representative may be present during the appeal meeting(s).
Part 3: Reporting
An annual report of completed and not completed performance evaluations will be provided by Human Resources to the President in the spring of each academic year. Each Vice President will receive a report of incomplete annual performance evaluations for their unit at least annually in the spring of each academic year.
Related Documents
- Minnesota State Board Policy 4.9 Employee Evaluation
- State of Minnesota Administrative Procedure 20 – Job Clarification Performance Appraisal
- Minnesota State Statute 43A.20
Original LSC policy 4.9 had procedures for staff and faculty evaluations included in the policy. Two new LSC procedures, 4.9.1 for staff and 4.9.2 for faculty were created in 2024.
Date Implemented: February 5, 2004
Date Updated: May 30, 2023, October 6, 2005
Date Reviewed/Revised: October 2024
President's Signature Date: December 5, 2024