Policy 4.11 - Employee Email Communication & Expectations
Part 1: Purpose
Lake Superior College (LSC) uses email communication as an official means of information delivery. The employee assigned @lsc.edu email account is the official email account of the employee. This use is motivated by the convenience, speed, cost-effectiveness, and environmental advantages of using email rather than printed communication.
Part 2: College Use of Email
LSC uses email as the primary means for communicating important and urgent information to students and employees. The college has the right to expect communications will be received, read, and acted upon daily (scheduled workday) or as promptly as possible. Employees are responsible for recognizing that certain communications may be time-sensitive. Official email communications are intended only to meet the academic and administrative needs of the LSC community. LSC retains the right to send official communication via alternate methods.
Part 3: Definitions
Mass Email is an unsolicited email message sent to a group of otherwise unrelated LSC email addresses. For example, sending a message to all faculty or all students would be considered a mass email. Sending a message to members of a club or a group of friends does not constitute mass emailing. Sending messages to groups, committees, or divisions also does not constitute mass emailing.
There are four basic types of college-wide email distribution lists:
- All employees
- All faculty
- All staff
- All students
Date Implemented (Policy 5.2): May 6, 2003
Date Updated (Policy 5.2): November 2007
Date Reviewed/Revised/Renumbered: February 2024
President's Signature Date: May 1, 2024