Policy 3.3 - Assessment for College Course Placement
Part 1: Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to improve student success in college and university courses through student assessment and course placement that addresses reading comprehension, written English, and mathematics knowledge skills.
Part 2: Course Placement Assessment
Students are required to complete the Accuplacer Computerized Placement Test (CPT) prior to enrolling in any college-level courses unless deemed exempt by Assessment for Course Placement Procedure Part 3.
Test scores enable students to be properly placed in courses appropriate to their skills.
Date Implemented: May 2, 2002
Date Updated: May 7, 2009
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 3: Academics
- 3.1 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 3.3 - Assessment for College Course Placement
- 3.4 - Admissions - UNDER REVIEW
- 3.4.1 - Undergraduate Admissions - UNDER REVIEW
- 3.4.2 - Immunizations
- 3.5 - Post-Secondary Enrollment Option
- 3.6 - Student Code of Conduct
- 3.8 - Student Complaints and Grievances
- 3.10 - Academic Program/Department Review
- 3.11 - Add/Drop and Withdrawal
- 3.13 - Fresh Start
- 3.17.1 - Credit Load
- 3.17.2 - Grading System
- 3.17.3 - Deans' List - RESCINDED
- 3.17.4 - Non-attendance
- 3.17.5 - Course Grade Appeals
- 3.18 - Assignment of Student Credits
- 3.21 - Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer
- 3.31 - Advisory Committees
- 3.32 - Faculty Credentialing
- 3.35 - Credit for Prior Learning
- 3.36 - Academic Programs
- 3.38 - Career Information
- 3.39 - Visitors in the Classroom
- 3.41 - Nursing Admissions
- 3.41.1 - Nursing Programs Admissions - RESCINDED - SUPERSEDED BY 1.0 - Admissions Process for Nursing Students
- 3.50 - Institutional Review Board