Procedure 3.3.1 - Assessment for College Course Placement

Policy 3.3 - Assessment for College Course Placement

Minnesota State Procedure

Part 1: Definitions

Subpart A: College-Level Course. A college-level course is a college or university course that meets college-level standards. Credits earned in a college-level course apply toward the requirements of a certificate, diploma, or degree.

Subpart B: Developmental-Level Course. A developmental-level course is a course designed to prepare a student for entry into college-level courses. Developmental-level course credits do not apply toward a certificate, diploma, or degree.

Part 2: Placement Instruments

Subpart A: System-Endorsed Placement Instrument. Effective July 1, 2006, the College Board Accuplacer is designated as the system-endorsed placement instrument. Each college and university shall evaluate students with the system-endorsed placement instrument. A student who meets one of the conditions specified in Part 5. Subpart A. of this procedure may be exempted from completing the Accuplacer for course placements. A student who presents ACT subject area scores may also be exempted from completing the Accuplacer for course placements, and the ACT subject area scores may be used to determine course placements. System colleges and universities shall not require the ACT test for course placements.

Subpart B: Student Fees for System-Endorsed Placement Instruments. A student shall not be charged a fee for the system-endorsed placement instrument. A student who requests a re-test of the system-endorsed placement instrument shall be charged a $5.00 retest fee.

Part 3: Exemptions

A student may be exempted from taking all or portions of the system-endorsed placement instrument based on documentation of:

  1. Assessment scores taken on the system-endorsed placement instrument at any system college or university within two calendar years, inclusive of the current calendar year;
  2. Subject area scores equivalent to or above the system-endorsed minimum on standardized college admissions tests (ACT) taken within two calendar years, inclusive of the current calendar year, for reading and writing and mathematics;
  3. Successful prior postsecondary education indicating high probability of success in the introductory college-level course for which a course placement score is required; or fulfillment of a college-level course in the area for which the course placement score is used. NOTE: Students who earned developmental education credits two or more years prior to the time of admission are advised to reassess to ensure currency of their skills.
  4. Students who are classified as non-degree seeking are not required to be assessed.

Part 4: Course Placement

Subpart A: Implementation of System Minimum Course Placement Scores

The following course placements based on Accuplacer subtest scores indicate that a student is ready for introductory college-level courses. A student who obtains the minimum score or higher shall be placed in the corresponding college-level course(s).

  1. Reading
    1. College-level Reading: A student who scores 77.50 or higher on the Reading Comprehension test shall be placed in courses that designate college-level reading skills as a prerequisite.
    2. Developmental Reading: A student who scores below 77.50 on the Reading Comprehension test shall be placed in developmental reading courses.
  2. Writing
    1. College-level Writing: A student who scores 77.50 or higher on the Reading Comprehension test and 85.50 or higher on the Sentence Skills test shall be placed in college-level writing courses.
    2. Developmental Writing: A student who scores below 85.50 on the Sentence Skills test shall be placed in developmental writing courses.
  3. Mathematics
    1. College Algebra: Placement into College Algebra shall be based on two test scores. A student must score 75.50 or higher on the Elementary Algebra Test and must also score 49.50 or higher on the College Level Mathematics test. A student attaining the minimum scores shall be placed in College Algebra.

Subpart B: Placement Based on ACT Subject Area Test Scores

A student shall be exempted from taking all or portions of the system-endorsed placement instrument based on documentation of subject area test scores on the ACT test taken within two calendar years, inclusive of the current calendar year, for reading and writing, and mathematics. A student who obtains the following minimum scores or higher shall be placed in the corresponding college-level course(s):

  1. Reading. A student who presents a reading subject area test score of 21 or higher shall be placed in courses that designate college-level reading skills as a prerequisite. **
  2. Writing. A student who presents an English subject area test score of 18 or higher shall be placed in courses that designate college-level writing skills as a prerequisite.
  3. Mathematics. A student who presents a mathematics subject area test score or 22 or higher shall be placed in College Algebra or any mathematics course that requires college level mathematics skills as a pre-requisite.

Students who have taken the ACT test but not scored at levels placing them into college level course work will be required to take the Accuplacer test and will be placed appropriately according to scores achieved.

Many courses require both college -level reading and writing as prerequisites. Your ACT score must be at or above the required level in both areas in order to satisfy both college level reading and writing pre-requisites.

Part 5: Reassessments

Subpart A: General Information

A student may be allowed to take one Accuplacer reassessment per academic year. (Academic year consists of Fall, Spring, and Summer terms)

An Accuplacer reassessment may include from one to three disciplines. (Disciplines are defined as sentence skills, reading comprehension, and mathematics (elementary algebra and/or college level math)

The higher score will be used for advising purposes.

A $5 charge will be made to the student to cover the cost of the reassessment.

Subpart B: Implementation

  1. A student seeking to reassess his/her skills must present a completed and signed Accuplacer Reassessment Request form.
  2. A fee of $5 per Accuplacer reassessment must be paid at the Student Payment office prior to taking the Accuplacer reassessment.
  3. A paid receipt must be attached to the Accuplacer Reassessment Request form.<


Date Implemented: May 7, 2009

Date Updated: March 31, 2014