Procedure 3.17.1 - Credit Load
Part 1: General
Credit load may vary from 1 to 18 credits in a regular term (Fall and Spring Semesters) depending on a student’s interest, ability and external obligations. Generally, full-time is considered 12 credits or more; however, 15-18 credits are needed during regular terms to complete most programs within the shortest possible time frame. Students wishing to take more than 18 credits in a regular term must submit a Petition with the written recommendation of an advisor for consideration by the Petition Committee. Students who are enrolled in both Reading 0455 and English 0450 are advised against enrolling in more than 12 credits.
Summer term is condensed into a shorter time period. Students are advised to take no more than 9 credits.
Date Implemented:Â February 3, 2005
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 3: Academics
- 3.1 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 3.3 - Assessment for College Course Placement
- 3.4 - Admissions - UNDER REVIEW
- 3.4.1 - Undergraduate Admissions - UNDER REVIEW
- 3.4.2 - Immunizations
- 3.5 - Post-Secondary Enrollment Option
- 3.6 - Student Code of Conduct
- 3.8 - Student Complaints and Grievances
- 3.10 - Academic Program/Department Review
- 3.11 - Add/Drop and Withdrawal
- 3.13 - Fresh Start
- 3.17.1 - Credit Load
- 3.17.2 - Grading System
- 3.17.3 - Deans' List - RESCINDED
- 3.17.4 - Non-attendance
- 3.17.5 - Course Grade Appeals
- 3.18 - Assignment of Student Credits
- 3.21 - Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer
- 3.31 - Advisory Committees
- 3.32 - Faculty Credentialing
- 3.35 - Credit for Prior Learning
- 3.36 - Academic Programs
- 3.38 - Career Information
- 3.39 - Visitors in the Classroom
- 3.41 - Nursing Admissions
- 3.41.1 - Nursing Programs Admissions - RESCINDED - SUPERSEDED BY 1.0 - Admissions Process for Nursing Students
- 3.50 - Institutional Review Board