Procedure 3.13.1 - Fresh Start
Part 1: Procedure
Subpart A: Conditions
Fresh Start is an opportunity that can only be granted once. No coursework taken from Lake Superior College (LSC) that is being considered for Fresh Start (grades of D, F, NC, FN) may be used toward completion of graduation requirements. Any credits where students earned an A, B, or C before the date of academic forgiveness may be used toward completion of graduation. Additionally, Fresh Start may not be recognized at transfer institutions; thus, students are encouraged to contact the transfer institution to determine the impact of Fresh Start on transfer credits and transcripts.
- The student must not have enrolled in credit-based coursework at LSC for two (2) consecutive years prior to the point of academic forgiveness.
- Upon readmission to LSC, the student must demonstrate the ability to be successful academically by completing 12 semester credits at LSC, maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, and a credit completion ratio of at least 66.66%.
- Students who meet the two conditions cited above should contact an advisor to complete the Fresh Start application.
Subpart B: Implementation
Once an application for Fresh Start is approved, the Registrar will make the following adjustments to the student’s transcript:
- The transcript will be separated into two sections indicating the point of Fresh Start. “Fresh Start Granted” will be indicated on the transcript.
- All course titles and grades from these courses will remain on the transcript.
- Courses with grades of A, B, C or P taken before the point of academic forgiveness will continue to be calculated into the student’s academic record.
- Courses with grades of D, F, NC, FN taken before the point of academic forgiveness will be taken out of the GPA calculation.
- Consistent with Procedure 2.9.2 Course Repeat, courses that are repeated may not be eligible for financial aid.
- Courses that have been granted academic forgiveness will be counted in the maximum time frame calculations for Financial Aid.
Related Documents
- LSC Procedure 2.9.1 Academic Standing & Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress
- LSC Procedure 2.9.2 Course Repeat
- LSC Policy 3.13 Fresh Start
Date Implemented: May 3, 2001
Date Updated: October 12, 201; November 15, 2016; August 1, 2021; March 2024
President's Signature Date: August 1, 2024
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 3: Academics
- 3.1 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 3.3 - Assessment for College Course Placement
- 3.4 - Admissions - UNDER REVIEW
- 3.4.1 - Undergraduate Admissions - UNDER REVIEW
- 3.4.2 - Immunizations
- 3.5 - Post-Secondary Enrollment Option
- 3.6 - Student Code of Conduct
- 3.8 - Student Complaints and Grievances
- 3.10 - Academic Program/Department Review
- 3.11 - Add/Drop and Withdrawal
- 3.13 - Fresh Start
- 3.17.1 - Credit Load
- 3.17.2 - Grading System
- 3.17.3 - Deans' List - RESCINDED
- 3.17.4 - Non-attendance
- 3.17.5 - Course Grade Appeals
- 3.18 - Assignment of Student Credits
- 3.21 - Undergraduate Course Credit Transfer
- 3.31 - Advisory Committees
- 3.32 - Faculty Credentialing
- 3.35 - Credit for Prior Learning
- 3.36 - Academic Programs
- 3.38 - Career Information
- 3.39 - Visitors in the Classroom
- 3.41 - Nursing Admissions
- 3.41.1 - Nursing Programs Admissions - RESCINDED - SUPERSEDED BY 1.0 - Admissions Process for Nursing Students
- 3.50 - Institutional Review Board