Policy 2.8 - Student Life
Part 1: General
Lake Superior College (LSC) Student Life Committee shall adhere to Minnesota State Board Policy 2.8 and System Procedure 2.8.1 in conducting the duties designated.
Part 2: Student Life Program
The Student Life Program shall be funded by the student life/activity fee authorized by Minnesota State Board Policy 5.11 and System Procedure 5.11.1. Student Life activities shall be consistent with M.S. 136F.01, subdivision 5. All funding decisions shall be made in a viewpoint neutral manner.
Part 3: Student Life Committee
Subpart A: Establishment and Membership
The Student Senate shall appoint the student members of the Student Life Committee. Not more than one-third of the voting committee members shall be non-students. After consulting with the President or designee, the Student Senate may review and amend the membership structure of the Student Life Committee for the next academic year.
Subpart B: Membership
Administrator – 1
Student Senate – 4
Business Office Representative – 1
Student at large – 2 (may be filled by Student Senators when no other at large students are interested)
The Director of Student Life shall chair the committee and be a non-voting member.
The Student Senate Advisor shall act as recorder for the committee and be a non-voting member. The Vice President of Student Services shall be an ex-officio member.
All employees and all students are invited to attend all Student Life Committee meetings, to address the committee, to ask questions, and to be present during committee votes.
Subpart C: Students Shall Meet the Following Criteria
- Be appointed by the Student Senate.
- Be a student in good standing in accordance with LSC Policy 2.9, Satisfactory Academic Progress.
- Be enrolled for a minimum of 3 credits.
- Pay the student life fee.
- Serve no more than two years on the committee.
- Student Senate will strive to ensure a diverse student representation to include minority and international students through the appointment process.
Subpart D: Administrator Criteria
Be appointed by the College’s President.
Subpart E: Committee Responsibility
- The Student Life Committee shall establish rules governing the process for the allocation of funds.
- The Student Life Committee shall develop and monitor all budgets and expenditures funded by the student life/activity fee within the guidelines of LSC and MnSCU policies 5.2, 5.2.1, and 2.8.1.
- The Student Life Committee shall annually recommend the amount of the fee to the LSC Student Senate no later than November 30th of each year for the ensuing year for review and recommendation to the college’s President for approval.
- Compensation for student leaders shall be funded following the guidelines of Student Life Procedures 2.8.1, subpart b. Committee Responsibility, Student Stipends.
Subpart F: Campus Student Government
The Student Life Committee shall fund the Student Senate.
Subpart G: Authority for Expenditures
The College’s President shall approve, reject or modify the student life fee and/or budget and authorize the collection and expenditure of such fees. The Student Senate shall be consulted on any modification to the Senate’s budget and expenditure recommendation prior to implementation. Student Life fund balances shall have carry-over authority into the next fiscal year. The President of Lake Superior College shall authorize the expenditures of the Student Life budget. The Director of Student Life shall distribute the allocated funds per the approved expenditures of the President.
Subpart H: Budget Reserves
Budget reserves may be established and their status shall be annually reported to the Student Life Committee.
Date Implemented: July 1, 2002
Date Updated: October 2007
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 2: Students
- 2.0 - Confidentiality of Student Records
- 2.1 - Campus Student Associations
- 2.2 - State Residency Requirements
- 2.3 - Student Involvement in Decision Making
- 2.6 - Intercollegiate Athletics - Minnesota State Board Policies - EXTERNAL
- 2.8 - Student Life
- 2.8.1 - Student Life
- 2.8.2 - Student Stipends - RESCINDED
- 2.9 - Academic Standing & Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress