Policy 2.3 - Student Involvement in Decision Making
Part 1: Purpose
To promote appropriate levels of student participation for decision-making and to assure student perspectives are considered.
Part 2: Policy Statement
Lake Superior College students must have the opportunity for representation in college committees involving or affecting student interests and shall have the opportunity to review or be consulted on issues that have significant impact on students.
Subpart A:
Students must be given the opportunity for representation on campus committees, conferences and issue forums that are part of the policy development and/or the decision-making process.
Subpart B:
Student representation on campus committees shall be selected by the Student Senate.
Subpart C:
More than equal constituent representation can serve on any one committee with authorization from the college president or designee.
Part 3: Exceptions: This policy does not apply to the following:
- Committees established for the evaluation of personnel.
- Committees established under collective bargaining agreements.
- Management teams and executive committees of Lake Superior College.
- Student participation on any College Task Force will be considered as needed based on the charge of the Task Force.
- Committee – a permanent group typically comprised by members of each bargaining unit and student senate to consider all matters pertaining to a designated subject. Examples of Committees at LSC include, but are not limited to the Policy, Academic Assessment, Climate committees.
- Task Force – a temporary group, formed by expertise and/or interest, formed to analyze, investigate, or solve a specific problem or issue.
Date of Implemented: March 7, 2002
Date of Review/Revisions: May 17, 2021
President's Signature Date: May 17, 2021
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 2: Students
- 2.0 - Confidentiality of Student Records
- 2.1 - Campus Student Associations
- 2.2 - State Residency Requirements
- 2.3 - Student Involvement in Decision Making
- 2.6 - Intercollegiate Athletics - Minnesota State Board Policies - EXTERNAL
- 2.8 - Student Life
- 2.8.1 - Student Life
- 2.8.2 - Student Stipends - RESCINDED
- 2.9 - Academic Standing & Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress