Procedure 1B.4.2 - Reasonable Accommodations for Students
Part 1: Purpose
Lake Superior College is committed to providing equal opportunities and reasonable accommodations to qualified students with disabilities to ensure access for qualified students to participate in College classes, programs, services, activities and student employment.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the American with Disabilities Act ensure that there will be no discrimination against persons with disabilities in education. LSC is committed to providing the services students with disabilities need to succeed in school.
This procedure sets forth the process to be used for responding to requests for accommodations based on a student’s disability. The scope of this procedure is limited to reasonable accommodations and is not intended to fully describe other provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
Part 2: Definitions
Subpart A: College
Lake Superior College
Subpart B: An individual with a disability
- Any student who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such student’s major life activities, or
- Any student who has a record of such impairment which means that a student has a history of or has been classified as having a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, or
- Any student who is regarded as having such an impairment, which means:
- Has a physical or mental impairment that may not substantially limit major life activities but that is treated by others as constituting such a limitation,
- Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities only as a result of the attitudes of others toward such impairment, or
- Has no impairment but is treated by others as having such an impairment.
Subpart C: Qualified Student
Students as outlined in Subpart B qualify for Student Accessibility Services.
Part 3: General Access Policy
Lake Superior College will provide access to classes, programs, services, activities and student employment to qualified students with disclosed disabilities as required by law. Disability documentation is required for a student’s accommodation request to be reviewed for eligibility. The request for services or accommodations must have supporting documentation from an appropriate and qualified professional supporting the nature of the disability that substantially limits their ability to function in the College setting. Documentation of a disability must include the following:
- Identification of the nature and severity of the student’s disability.
- Specific information regarding the manner in which the disability affects the student.
- Approximant duration and prognosis of disability.
- Suggestions and recommendations regarding possible accommodations.
- The documentation needs to be dated, signed and no more than three years old, or at the discretion of the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator.
Part 4: Availability and Notice
Lake Superior College shall post notices in an accessible format to the public describing the prohibition against discrimination and the contact for requesting reasonable accommodations or information. A statement for requesting accommodations shall appear on all marketing pieces.
Part 5: Reasonable Accommodations to Ensure Student Access to Classes, Programs, Services, Activities and Student Employment.
Lake Superior College shall make reasonable accommodations to ensure access to classes, programs, services, activities and student employment as required by law. Access means that a qualified student with a disability will not be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the classes, programs, services, activities, or student employment, nor will the student be subjected to discrimination. Reasonable accommodations are individualized and provide access by reducing/eliminating barriers, the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers; provision of auxiliary aids; or the provision of equally effective programs, services, or activities. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, accommodations will not be provided 1) for personal devices or services even though the student may be a qualified student with a disability, or 2) that result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of a service, program, or activity or is an undue financial or administrative burdens.
Part 6: Offered and/or Sponsored Services or Activities for Qualified Students with Disabilities
Lake Superior College has a responsibility to provide access to services and/or activities that are operated or sponsored by the College. Such access shall be provided in a reasonable manner as required by law. The following accommodations and services are available to students with documented disabilities:
- Support and counseling services that may include support groups, individual counseling, career counseling, and referral services;
- Academic accommodations may include assistive devices, adaptive software, early registration course selection and program advising, alternative testing; tutor referral; and a variety of classroom accommodations based on individual needs; and
- Coordination services that may include advocating on the student’s behalf, serving as the primary contact and coordinator for students needing services; assistance in working individually with faculty and administrators, intervention procedures, and grievance procedures.
Part 7: Personal devices and services
The College does not provide assessment services that attempt to diagnose various disabilities or provide funding for individuals to receive off-site testing. Diagnostic assessment referrals and information are available in Student Accessibility Services.
The College does not provide personal devices or services. Examples of personal devices and services include; wheelchairs; individually prescribed devices, such as prescription eyeglasses or hearing aids; readers for personal use or study; personal computers; or services of a personal nature, including assistance in eating, toileting, or dressing.
Part 8: Procedure for Student Request for Accommodations
Students who qualify for disability-related services at Lake Superior College must meet with the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator to request services. It is suggested that students meet with the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the beginning of each term. The development of academic accommodations often requires ample preparation time, and late requests may not be honored in a timely manner (or be guaranteed in place at the start of the semester).
Students who request accessibility services/accommodations must:
- Complete a Student Accessibility Services request form.
- Provide the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator with current documentation. This can include a high school IEP and most current evaluation/assessment. Student Accessibility Services Coordinator may request additional documentation.
- Allow the documentation of a disability to be reviewed and maintained in a confidential file or be willing to undergo diagnostic testing to determine the eligibility of services. Access to student records requires the student’s permission.
- Meet with the Student Accessibility Services Coordinator to review the information and develop an accommodation plan, and each subsequent semester to update or review the accommodation plan, and anytime the nature of the disability changes.
For information regarding reasonable access and accommodations for students, contact:
Student Accessibility Services Coordinator
(218) 733-7650
MRS/TTY 1-800-627-3529
Lake Superior College
2101 Trinity Road
Duluth, MN 55811
Part 9: Denial of Requests for Reasonable Accommodation
Lake Superior College may deny a request for reasonable accommodation when:
- Additional information or current documentation is needed.
- Documentation does not support some or all of the requested accommodations.
- The student does not qualify as a student with a disability.
- The reasonable accommodation could cause potential harm to self or others.
- No reasonable accommodation is possible.
- The reasonable accommodation request causes undue hardship
- The request is for personal services such as providing a personal care assistant.
The explanation for denial will be provided to the requestor in a letter. The explanation will be in plain language with clearly stated reasons for denial. Where the decision maker has denied a specific requested accommodation, but has offered a different accommodation in its place, the decision letter should explain both the reasons for denying the accommodation requested and the reasons that the accommodation being offered will be effective. Lake Superior College reserves the right to approve a portion of a reasonable request based on information provided.
Part 10: Petition Process in the Event of Denial
Students who are denied a request for reasonable access or accommodations may petition by filing a petition form to the Lake Superior College Dean of Students.
Dean of Students
Phone (218) 733-7656
Lake Superior College
2101 Trinity Road
Duluth, MN 55811
Part 11: Appeal Process in the Event of Petition Denial
Students who were denied a request for reasonable access or accommodations and have filed a petition for reconsideration that was denied, may appeal that decision by filing a petition appeal form to the Lake Superior College President.
Patricia L. Rogers
Phone: (218) 733-7614
Lake Superior College
2101 Trinity Road
Duluth, MN 55811
Part 12: Application
Nothing in this procedure is intended to expand, diminish, or alter the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
Related Documents:
- Minnesota State Board Policy 1B.4 Access and Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
- LSC Policy 1B.4 Access for Individuals with Disabilities
- Systems Procedure 1B.0.1, Reasonable Accommodations in Employment
- MMB HR/LR Policy #1433 ADA Reasonable Accommodation
- Non-employee, Students and General Public Request for Reasonable Accommodation Form
- ADA Medical Inquiry Healthcare Provider Form to determine ADA Eligibility
- Authorization for Release of Medical Information ADA
To view any of the following related statutes, go to the Revisor’s Office website. You can conduct a search from this site by typing in the statute number.
- Minnesota Statute 135A.16
- Minnesota Statute 363A.03
- 1B.4 related procedures previously were included in policy 1B.4.
- Date 1B.4 Implemented May 3, 2001.
- Updated Policy 1B.4 to policy only, March 2022.
- Created new related procedure 1B.4.1 Reasonable Accommodation in Employment, March 2022.
- Created new related procedure 1B.4.2 Reasonable Accommodation for Students, March 2022
- Created related Grievance Procedure 1B.4.3 Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Title II (non-employee) Reasonable Accommodation/Modification in Public Programs, Services, or Activities Requests, and Academics, or Employment, created March 2022.
President's Signature Date: October 7, 2022
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 1: General
- 1A.1 - Organization and Administration
- 1A.10 - Institutional Surveys
- 1A.11 - Lake Superior College Hours
- 1B.1 - Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
- 1B.3 - Sexual Violence
- 1B.4 - Access for Individuals with Disabilities
- 1B.5 - Institutional Equity
- 1C.1 - Data Practices and Retention
- 1C.2 - Fraudulent or Other Dishonest Acts
- 1C.3 - Employee Code of Conduct