Procedure 1B.1.2 - Preferred Name
Part 1: Purpose
Lake Superior College (LSC) shall adhere to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Procedure 1B.1.2. LSC recognizes and supports the members of its community who wish to use preferred names where legally permissible. This outlines the College process by which individuals may designate a preferred name.
Part 2: Definitions
Subpart A: Preferred Name
A preferred name is a name that a person has chosen to identify themselves within the Minnesota State system that is different, in whole or in part, from their legal name.
Part 3: Implementation
Subpart A: Applicability
An individual shall generally be permitted to designate any preferred name, including first, middle and/or last name. LSC reserves the right to deny an inappropriate or offensive preferred name request including, but not limited to, those that avoid legal obligations, misrepresent, or violate other LSC or system policies.
LSC shall use preferred names for e-mail address, online directory, class rosters, and other functions where technically and legally possible. The following lists identify locations where a preferred name has been approved for display.
Preferred name shall appear on:
- LSC e-mail account
- LSC on-line directory
- LSC class rosters, advisee lists, grade & LDA entry, waitlist report, grade change requests (implemented by system office)
- Diploma, Honors program lists, Commencement programs
- Timecards (implemented by system office)
- Faculty advisee lists (implemented by system office)
- Alumni office records
- Student ID cards, Food Service cards
- Library records
- Students/employees homepage on D2L and e-service account homepage (implemented by system office)
- Student invoices (implemented by system office)
- Athletic team lists
Legal names shall appear on:
- Official and unofficial transcripts
- Paychecks and paystubs
- Financial aid records
- Official correspondence from the college/university
- Tax forms
- Federal immigration documents
- SEVIS records
- I-9’s
- International student documentation
Subpart B: Process
- Students may declare a preferred name in their LSC e-services account.
- Students may also obtain preferred name request form from Student Services or the LSC website. Students return completed form to the Registrar.
- Employees may obtain preferred name request form from Human Resources or the LSC website. Employees return completed form to Human Resources.
Subpart C: Appeals
The Registrar or Director of Human Resources will approve or deny initial requests. The requesting individual will be notified only if preferred name is denied. Notification will include the reason for the denial. Student appeals will be handled by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs. Employee appeals will be handled by the Vice President of Administration.
Policy History
Date Implemented: October 2, 2015
Date Reviewed: December 21, 2021
President's Signature Date: January 28, 2022
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 1: General
- 1A.1 - Organization and Administration
- 1A.10 - Institutional Surveys
- 1A.11 - Lake Superior College Hours
- 1B.1 - Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
- 1B.3 - Sexual Violence
- 1B.4 - Access for Individuals with Disabilities
- 1B.5 - Institutional Equity
- 1C.1 - Data Practices and Retention
- 1C.2 - Fraudulent or Other Dishonest Acts
- 1C.3 - Employee Code of Conduct