Procedure 1A.11.2 - Emergency Closings and Cancellations
Part 1: Authority
The decision to close, delay opening, or cancel classes and/or other activities of Lake Superior College (LSC) due to inclement weather or emergency is made by the president and/or designee. Appropriate notification will be made by the president or designee to the Minnesota State System Office when a decision is made.
The closure of state agencies by the Commissioner of Management and Budget does not apply to Minnesota State colleges and universities. The Governor of Minnesota has emergency powers to issue an executive order to change the work schedule of executive branch employees in cases of natural disaster or other emergencies (M.S. Section 12.21). This does apply to Minnesota State colleges and university employees.
Subpart A: Long-Term Closings
Minnesota State Board Policy 1A.10 “Long-Term Emergency Management” applies to long-term closures. The Governor of Minnesota has emergency powers to issue an executive order to change the work schedule of executive branch employees in cases of natural disaster or other emergencies (M.S. Section 12.21). This does apply to Minnesota State colleges and university employees.
Subpart B: Short-Term Closings
Per Minnesota State Board Policy 4.4, “Weather / Short Term Emergency Closings,” the president or a designee has the authority to close college facilities for six calendar days or less due to weather or other emergencies.
Part 2: Classes Canceled
There may be instances when campus can be open, but classes are canceled. Cancellation of classes or other activities does not excuse any employee from work. With supervisor approval, employees of the college, including faculty, may take personal leave, vacation leave, or use earned compensatory time when on-campus classes or other activities are canceled, and they choose to be absent from work.
Where feasible, employees may be authorized to telework to minimize travel during inclement weather.
Part 3: Campus or Location Closings
When a campus (including any of LSC’s locations) closing is declared, college employees may be excused from work with pay if alternative working arrangements are not practical as determined by the president or designee. Employees who are authorized and scheduled to telework or have the means and are approved to work from home or an alternative site will continue to work if the short-term emergency does not prevent them from safely performing work at their home or alternative site.
An employee’s absence with pay for an individual emergency must not exceed the equivalent of two workdays unless the chancellor authorizes a longer period. A campus closure applies to all employees without regard to labor contracts.
Weather or other emergency essential employees who are not excused from work will be paid at their regular rate of pay. A list of essential employees not excused from work duty during campus closings due to identified emergency conditions shall be maintained by the Vice President of Finance and Administration.
Subpart A: Inclement Weather
In times of inclement weather, emergency assessment of conditions will be the responsibility of the Vice President of Finance and Administration, who may contact personnel at the district offices of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Minnesota State Patrol, NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) bulletins, county and city law enforcement offices, and area schools and colleges.
The Vice President of Finance and Administration will consult with the president to determine the need for any personnel to report to work during times the college is closed, or the opening is delayed due to emergency conditions. Employees will be scheduled to work according to relevant contract provisions.
Determination of closing or delayed opening shall be made by 6:00 a.m., whenever possible.
Subpart B: Non-Weather-Related Closings
The Vice President of Finance and Administration maintains a list outlining instances that may require non-weather-related closings. The president or designee shall determine when a non-weather-related closing is necessary.
Part 4: Notification of weather or emergency-related cancellations or closures
Subpart A: Email notification
LSC will send an all-employee and all-student email to advise of weather or emergency-related class cancellations or campus and location closures.
Subpart B: LSC Website
LSC will post notification of a class cancellation or closures on the front page of the college website (https://www.lsc.edu).
Subpart C: Emergency Notification Alert and Social Media
Employees and students who signed up via the Emergency Alert System will receive a text message and/or email of any weather or emergency-related cancellations or closures.
The Office of Advancement and External Relations will provide updated information on LSC’s website, via email and official social media pages.
In addition, major media sources including television and radio, will be notified of any closings or cancellations.
Related Documents
- Minnesota State Policy 4.4 Weather / Short-Term Emergency Closings
- Minnesota State Policy 1A.10 Long-Term Emergency Management
A revision to Policy 1A.11 and Procedure 1A.11.2 was required after MMB and the Minnesota State Board of Trustees rewrote their weather and short-term emergency closing policies to reflect the ability of many state employees to telework and continue working during weather-related and emergency closing events.
Date Implemented: February 8, 2013
Date Updated: January 12, 2014; October 27, 2017
Date Reviewed/Revised: January 2024
President's Signature Date: March 14, 2024
Related Policies/Procedures
Chapter 1: General
- 1A.1 - Organization and Administration
- 1A.10 - Institutional Surveys
- 1A.11 - Lake Superior College Hours
- 1B.1 - Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education
- 1B.3 - Sexual Violence
- 1B.4 - Access for Individuals with Disabilities
- 1B.5 - Institutional Equity
- 1C.1 - Data Practices and Retention
- 1C.2 - Fraudulent or Other Dishonest Acts
- 1C.3 - Employee Code of Conduct