November 13, 2019
Students Train and Remove Buckthorn in Miller Creek to Reduce Invasive Species on LSC Campus
The students, who are enrolled in LSC’s Environmental Science, General Biology and Issues in Global Ecology courses, began a two-part training about invasive species on campus where they learned to identify and remove buckthorn and get credit for their work.
Student, instructors and volunteers will meet at the LSC Interpretative Trail sign by Miller Creek on LSC’s main campus at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 13. Using LSC’s forest as a Living Lab, the students and faculty are working with the Duluth CISMA (Collaborative Invasive Species Management Area) and the City of Duluth’s Invaders volunteers.
David Kline
Vice President, Institutional Advancement and External Relations
(218) 733-6998
David Kline
Vice President, Institutional Advancement and External Relations
(218) 733-6998