All are welcome to come learn more about full or part-time jobs, career exploration, and volunteer opportunities at LSC’s Fall Job Fair. Visit with area employers tomorrow, November 8, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Lake Superior College’s main campus, E Building concourse.
The Job Fair will feature information tables from more than 60 employers. “We welcome anyone seeking to explore job and career opportunities,” said Career Center Director Eric Brandt. “We’re seeing many job openings in healthcare, aviation, business and technical trades in the region and are happy to help people get the appropriate job skills, find resources or apply for these openings.”
Representatives from area employers include:
- 148th Fighter Wing
- Aftenro Home
- Age Well Arrowhead
- Air Force ROTC
- Alliance Home Health Care & Nursing Services
- American Engineering Testing, Inc.
- Amsoil, Inc.
- Augustana of Moose Lake
- Benedictine Health System
- BPL Plasma
- Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local #1 MN-ND
- Choice Therapy
- Chris Jensen Health & Rehabilitation Center
- Cirrus Aircraft
- Duluth Workforce Development
- Ecumen Lakeshore
- Ecumen Scenic Shores
- Essentia HealthvExpress Employment Professionals
- Fairview Range
- Franciscan Health Center
- Garden House Estates
- Health East
- IBEW/NECA Twin Ports Electrical Apprenticeship Training Committee
- Interim HealthCare
- Interim HealthCare Adult Foster Care
- KBJR Television Inc.
- Laborers Local 1091
- Lake Superior Consulting
- Manpower
- Menards Superior
- Minnesota WorkForce Center – DuluthvMinnesota Army National GuardvMinnesota Veterans Home – Silver Bay
- MNDOT- Duluth, District 1
- Monarch Healthcare Management
- NE MN Office of Job Training
- Northland Constructors of Duluth LLC
- Peace of Mind of Duluth, Inc.
- Recover Health
- Regency Home Healthcare Services, LLC
- REM Arrowhead, Inc.
- Residential Services Inc. (RSI)
- Scenic Rivers Health Services
- Senior Friends Associates, Inc.
- St. Louis County
- St. Luke’s
- Stepping Stones for Living
- TBI Residential and Community Services
- The Hills Youth & Family Services
- TLC of Duluth
- Trillium Services, Inc.vTrue North AmeriCorps
- UDAC Inc.
- UnitedHealth Group
- US Air Force Recruiting Service
- US Marines
- Viewcrest Health Center
- Whole Foods Co-op
In addition, Lake Superior College will celebrate and acknowledge Veterans Day with a short program tomorrow, November 8 , at noon, in the Student Life area of main campus. The program will be led by Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs representative David Martin who will provide a “Missing Military Personnel Table Recitation.” Current and former military members will be recognized and invited to participate. Music will include piano by LSC student Mike Sakowski and a performance by the Lake Superior College Choir under the direction of Calland Metts. Everyone is invited to enjoy cake and coffee after the program.