Lake Superior College will again host a free GenCyber and Advanced GenCyber summer camps June 13 – 17 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. for 12-18 year old students and 7th through 12th grade teachers.
The National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation have funded the GenCyber camps. LSC was one of 29 universities and colleges nationally to be selected as a camp host last year and is only one of three colleges in Minnesota to offer it this year.
Computer Information Systems faculty member Vickie McLain will coordinate the GenCyber camps with LSC faculty teaching all camp courses. Guest speakers from the FBI and Superior police forensics department will be featured. Students will learn how to replace computer parts, how to configure different operating systems, Linux and Python scripting, computer networking, Cybersecurity concepts and defense in social networking, cloud and mobile computing, and more. Advanced GenCyber participants will learn: computer troubleshooting, Raspberry Pi configuration and networking, Cybersecurity and encryption techniques, Advanced Linux and Python scripting, secure network design, computer forensics and pentesting, and programming robots.
“GenCyber Camp provides the opportunity for teachers to learn about cyber security technology and design curricula to train the next generation of cyber security workforce professionals starting in grade school,” said McLain. “For young people with an interest in a cyber security career, GenCyber Camp is a chance to learn first-hand about the latest technology and do problem solving, including cyber defense basics, programming, operating systems, and cryptography.”
For more information, email Kirsten Bowman at [email protected]