Apply for free at LSC! Lake Superior College is waiving the usual $20 application fee for the entire month of April.
“Enrollment at Lake Superior College is currently the highest it has been in nearly a decade,” said Daniel Fanning, Director of Institutional Advancement. “Many prospective students are showing an increasing interest in attending a community and technical college like LSC in an attempt to save money, avoid going into debt, and still getting a quality education as they earn an in-demand two-year degree and/or go on to transfer to a university. We want to build on that interest and encourage all students who are considering attending LSC to apply for free in the month of April.”
Those interested in applying to LSC can either apply online or in person at LSC’s Student Services, Main Campus, S Building, 2101 Trinity Road, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. LSC will also be hosting a free Admissions Lab as part of the upcoming LSC Spring Open House on Friday, April 20, from 3-6 p.m. Admissions representatives will walk participants through all the details of applying to Lake Superior College. LSC’s summer session starts June 4 and fall semester begins on August 27.
For more information, please visit www.lsc.edu/apply or call LSC Student Services at (218) 733-7601.