- The mascot IceHawk is one word, with the “I” and “H” capitalized (IceHawk, not Ice Hawk or Icehawk)
- The IceHawk’s name is HawkEye, one word, with a capital “H” and “E”
- Hawks Landing student and event center should be written as Hawks Landing (not Hawk’s or Hawks’)
- Do not use http:// or www. when typing web addresses (lsc.edu, not https://www.lsc.edu)
- Do not use a slash / at the end of a web address
- In most cases, do not use a comma before the final and in a series (I like dogs, cats and birds, not I like dogs, cats, and birds)
- Use only a single space after a period, not two
- When referring to a department on campus, it should be lowercase (the Institutional Advancement office, not the Institutional Advancement Office)
- Associate degree is not capitalized unless it starts a sentence (should read associate degree, not associate’s degree)
- Degree-seeking students has a hyphen
- Abbreviate Associate of Science and Associate of Applied Science as AS and AAS
- Abbreviate Associate of Fine Arts as AFA
- Abbreviate Associate of Arts as AA
- Refer to programs in general in all lowercase, but official LSC program names should be capitalized with the word program in lowercase (programs in cybersecurity, and LSC’s Cybersecurity program)
- Use “GI Bill®” with registered trademark on the first use on each page. After the first use with registered trademark, “GI Bill” can be used for the remainder of the page. Do not use “G.I. Bill” with periods).
- Use a.m. and p.m. instead of am/pm or AM/PM
- Email should not have a hyphen. Capitalize “E” if used at the beginning of a sentence.
- Use the following term consistently and in full to refer to our online campus: D2L Brightspace / eLearning
- Avoid referring to “e-Services” if possible. Instead, provide a link to the correct page within e-Services and indicate the type of service provided at the destination of the link. Once they log in, students will be brought to that page.