Kaltura MediaSpace is an online video recording and streaming service for you to use to make quick videos/presentations. You also will use Kaltura MediaSpace to watch videos that are created by your instructor.

Record on a Computer

  1. Go to mediaspace.minnstate.edu and login with your StarID and password.
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on +ADD NEW.
    Screenshot of Kultura Add New button
  3. Select Express Capture to record with a webcam and/or microphone. You may also record your desktop.
  4. Make sure to click on allow for Kaltura to access your camera and microphone.
  5. Use the round red button to start and end your recording.
    Screenshot of Kultura red recording button
  6. Processing time will depend on the length of the video.
  7. Once it is processed, you can add a name, description, set the publishing schedule, and publishing status. This will determine how your video can be accessed.
  8. Click on Save and Go to Media to view your video.

Record on a Mobile Device

  1. Use mobile device to record a video and save it to Photos.
  2. Navigate to mediaspace.minnstate.edu and login with your StarID and password.
  3. In the upper right-hand corner, click on +ADD NEW.
    Screenshot of Kultura Add New button
  4. Select Media Upload, find the video in your library, and Save it.

How to Caption a Video

  1. Your video will automatically be captioned, but you need to review and edit them.
  2. On the bottom right corner of the video, click on Actions and select Caption & Enrich
  3. Click on the pencil icon to open the editor.
  4. Edit your captions.
  5. Click on Save and Yes.
  6. Click on Back to go back to your video.

How to View Videos:

  • Click on the URL to the video that is posted by your instructor

VidGrid introduction video thumbnail